Grant privileges to a Database in MySqli
Grant privileges to a Database in MySqli

MySqli is a PHP extension used to connect and communicate with MySQL databases. One of the key features of MySqli is the ability to grant privileges to users for accessing databases. This feature allows the database administrator to have better control ov

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Create a MySql Database in PHP in MySqli
Create a MySql Database in PHP in MySqli

In order to Create a MySql Database in PHP in MySqli you will need to have the following set up before you proceed.

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Create a Facebook Icon in CSS
Create a Facebook Icon in CSS

The first thing that we will do is set up or div to create a facebook icon in CSS.

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How to make a Trapezoid in CSS
How to make a Trapezoid in CSS

This is how you make a trapezoid in CSS. First you want to set up the div. We will give our div an id of trapezoid.

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Make a diamond in CSS
Make a diamond in CSS

To make a diamond in CSS first set up the div. We are going to give our div an id of diamond so we can target it with our CSS style.

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Make a Hexagon in CSS
Make a Hexagon in CSS

If you want to make a hexagon in CSS first set up your div. We are going to give our div an id of hexagon.

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Make an Octagon in CSS
Make an Octagon in CSS

To make an octagon in CSS first we need to set up a div. We are going to give our div an id of octagon.

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Make a Pentagon in CSS
Make a Pentagon in CSS

Make a Pentagon in CSS. Set up a div in your html page and call it pentagon.

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Make an Oval in CSS
Make an Oval in CSS

Set up a div and call it oval. This will set up or CSS command to target the div.

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Make a Circle in CSS
Make a Circle in CSS

To make a circle in CSS the first thing that we do is set up the div. We will give our div and id of circle.

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Make a 5 point star in CSS
Make a 5 point star in CSS

The first thing we will do is set up our div and we will call it star.

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Make a Triangle in CSS
Make a Triangle in CSS

Making a triangle is a little harder than making a square or rectangle in CSS. Here is what you do. First set up your div, we are going to give our div and id of triangle.

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Make a rectangle in CSS
Make a rectangle in CSS

This short sweet tutorial will show you how to make a rectangle in CSS. First thing is you want to set up your div, we are going to give our div an id of rectangle.

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Make a Square in CSS
Make a Square in CSS

To make a square in CSS set up your div and name is whatever you want to name it. We will give our div a name of square.

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Think Twice Before You Install A Plugin For WordPress
Think Twice Before You Install A Plugin For WordPress

You should think twice before you install a plugin for WordPress because of the ramifications that plugin can bring. A WordPress plugin has access to your database as soon as you install it. It can therefore update, delete, and manipulate your WordPress d

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