Google Webmaster Tools is now Google Search Console, I am going to show you how to deal with this quickly in your website. Many welcome the change and some don't.
Read MoreTo use the JavaScript String replace() Procedure you must first show what it is that you want to replace using this method. Below we will look at different things to replace with the JavaScript String replace() feature.
Read MoreImage editing in WordPress tips and tricks is something everyone needs to get a grasp on. Image editing and optimization in WordPress is easier than you may think.
Read MoreAre on the hunt for the perfect htaccess file for your apache server? The truth is there is no one real universal htaccess file that covers all websites. Every website will have something unique that they specifically have to deal with. However there are
Read MoreRetrieving data from MySql with PHP is a simple process however you should have the following things set up before implementing this process.
Read MoreThere may be time when you need to resize tools in Adobe Photoshop. This is a very easy process and this method works on the other tools in Adobe Photoshop.
Read MoreYou can animate Adobe After Effect from Adobe Illustrator in three different ways.
Read MoreIn JavaScript let visitors change background color with the click of a button. There are more advanced ways to do this however I am going to show you something very simple.
Read MoreWhy put nofollow attributes in menu structure? In a nutshell it all boils down to relevance. Every link on your particular web page should have to do with the subject that it is about.
Read MoreAdditional languages on websites creates more targeted visitors. Many websites that are indexed are missing out on this huge opportunity to engage visitors that do not speak the webmasters language.
Read MoreIf you are a webmaster make this your homepage or at least bookmark it. Every time you publish a post or page that you want indexed in search engines this will be your ultimate resource tool!
Read MoreWordPress is slow here are some advanced tips to help you speed it up a bit. Before we get on with the advanced steps that you can take make sure you do the elementary things first.
Read MoreTo Make a Smiley Face in CSS the first thing that we will do is set up the div's. We will call our main div id smiley. We will then add div's for the eyes and mouth. Here is the div structure.
Read MoreInstalling and Configuring WAMP for the First Time can be a daunting task. The process is actually a lot simpler than many people think. WAMP has come a long way and made the process quite simple.
Read MoreThe Google Analytics tracking code placement needs to be in the header. DO NOT believe those guys that tell you to put in before the closing body tag.
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