If you want to Drop a table from a database with PHP MySqli you must make sure that the table is there in the first place. If you have not done so please see Create a New Table in a MySqli Database.  To drop a table use the following code. You must make sure of the following requirements.
  1. You Created A Database
  2. You Granted Privileges to the database
  3. Created a config.php file to access the database
The following code will drop a database called "MyDb" so you will have to be sure to adjust the code to match the table that you want to drop in your database. ;-)
// Create connection
$con = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $dbname);
$con ->query("DROP TABLE myDb");
$con ->close();
If you want more detailed explanations on dropping a database see the php site. 

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