Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]

Show Tables MySql Terminal Commands
Show Tables MySql Terminal Commands

If you want to see the tables in the database use this command. show tables;

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Determine What Database Is In Use MySql Terminal Commands
Determine What Database Is In Use MySql Terminal Commands

If you want to know what database that you are in you can use this terminal command. select database();

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Select A Database Terminal Command
Select A Database Terminal Command

You can select a database to work with by entering the following command in terminal. use [database];

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Create A New Database Terminal Commands
Create A New Database Terminal Commands

If you want to create a new database in terminal enter the following command. create database [database];

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Access a Database MySQL Terminal Command
Access a Database MySQL Terminal Command

If you're a developer working with databases, you're probably familiar with MySQL - an open-source relational database management system. While there are many ways to access a MySQL database, one of the most straightforward methods is through the MySQL te

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Show all databases in MySql Terminal Command
Show all databases in MySql Terminal Command

In order to show all databases in your terminal enter the following code. show databases;

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Access MySql Terminal Commands
Access MySql Terminal Commands

In order to access your the mysql part in your terminal you will enter something like this. Access monitor: mysql -u [username] -p; (will prompt for password)

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Disable PHP On A Directory With Htaccess
Disable PHP On A Directory With Htaccess

If you need to disable php on a directory with htaccess here is your script. Open up your text editor and paste this code in it.

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Find Track Down That Filthy Spammer  AND BLOCK THEM!
Find Track Down That Filthy Spammer AND BLOCK THEM!

What Your Will Learn Here How to get a list of scripts that are emailing on your server. Get the IP address of the spammer Block the IP address

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The following EXIM Cheat Sheet will help you manage your EXIM 4 server. To complete these steps, it is helpful if you already are familiar with SMTP, MTA, and UNIX shell prompt. If you are having any issues with email delivery, please check out my post on

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How To Enable Javascript In Your Firefox Browser
How To Enable Javascript In Your Firefox Browser

Have you visited a domain website that seems to be broken with no style or design? When visiting a web page which appears to be broken down into basic text links you may find that your JavaScript is disabled in Firefox. No problem!

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How To Enable Javascript In Your Chrome Browser
How To Enable Javascript In Your Chrome Browser

Are you trying to visit a website and there appears to be no styling or design to it? If you visit a page that looks like it has just been broken down into text links, then it is a good possibility that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Great news!

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Why Am I Getting Contact Form 7 Configuration Errors? New updates in the Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin may have placed this warning in your dashboard. This is to prevent email sending errors because of empty entry fields. This is quick and easy to repai

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Glyphicons FontAwesome With Bootstrap For WordPress
Glyphicons FontAwesome With Bootstrap For WordPress

Let's move onto using Glyphicons and FontAwesome in the Bootstrap WordPress CMS. The first thing that you will have to do is call in the libraries. We have already called in the Bootstrap library but just in case there are some not following along with th

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WordPress From HTTP to HTTPS Easy Instructions Fastest Way
WordPress From HTTP to HTTPS Easy Instructions Fastest Way

If you are ready to move your WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS the fastest and easiest way follow these steps. #wordpress

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