Category Archives: PHP Lessons

PHP Web Development

PHP is a processor that resides on a server to process information. Most of the time this is done with a MySql Database. PHP processes forms, writes HTML and more on the internet. Below there are several articles and tips and tricks on how to use this software. PHP is a free and open source software and is the most popular processor on the internet. The website for PHP is

Building a Calorie and Nutrient Counter Using FoodData Central API

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a calorie and nutrient counter using the FoodData Central API. This guide will help you build a web application that allows users to enter a food item and receive detailed nutritional information. Video Here Prerequisites Before we start, ensure you have the following: Read More

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress1x1

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress. ImageMagick is a powerful open-source software suite that is used for creating, editing, and converting images. It is commonly used by WordPress developers and designers to enhance the visuals of their websites. If you’re running Ubuntu 20.04 and PHP8, and you want to enable ImageMagick in Read More

Delete Images Off Server In Summernote with php, mysql, jquery, and ajax

In this article, I will explain how to delete images from the server using Summernote, a WYSIWYG editor, with the help of PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and Ajax. Summernote is a popular open-source WYSIWYG editor that allows users to create rich text content, including images. Sometimes, users may want to delete the images they have uploaded Read More

Summernote How To Delete Images Uploaded To A Folder

In Summernote you want to be able to delete your images in your directory or folder at times. As far as I can see, this is the only tutorial out there on this, so I decided to do it. I made a tutorial in the past that shows you how to upload images to a Read More

Delete Files in Directory or Folder With PHP

To delete files in a directory or folder with PHP, all you have to do is use the unlink function. Unlink not only deletes pictures, but will delete any kind of file in a directory. Lets get started. Unlink in PHP The unlink function has been around since PHP4. It also works on PHP5, PHP7 Read More

Self Destruct Letter Script

This self destruct letter script is fun, fast and mobile friendly. All you have to do is download it and upload it to your server. I created this script a while ago but I made some updates to it. You can see the self destruct letter script in action here. Feel free to use it. Read More

Summernote How To Store Images and Entries in MySQL Without Base 64

In this tutorial, we will show you how to store images and entries in MySQL without base 64 encoding. Base 64 encoding will bloat your database. The way I show you how to do it here will not bloat your database. You can download summernote here, however you do not need to download it for Read More


So I just got done programming the best home inventory management software. I wanted it to be free and easy to use for all my friends, neighbors and subscribers. Last September, I hit the big 50. I have stuff I never knew I had. A person accumulates things over time naturally. Then there was stuff Read More

Ajax In WordPress Tutorial Ultimate Beginners Guide

This is an Ajax in WordPress tutorial. Let it serve as an ultimate beginner’s guide for you. I have already made several posts on Ajax and how to use it. However, this is my first post for using Ajax in WordPress. I think you will enjoy this lesson with all the codes and video instruction. Read More

How To Search PHP Encrypted Database

This post will show you how to search a PHP encrypted database. This is a follow up on the PHP encryption and decryption tutorials. Many have made the argument that once all the data is encrypted and stored that there is no way to query the database. However, you can query the database and I Read More


Encryption, Decryption and MySQL in PHP is very important these days with hacker after hacker out there always ready to find new crafty ways to steal your customer’s information. Do not be a victim here because you do not have to be! Be proactive in your efforts to make your customers’ websites be a fortress Read More


Ever wonder how to create a download link in PHP and then make it expire? Would you like to know how to expire a download link after a set number of times they download it? Do you want to know how to protect your files from people trying to steal your downloads? We are going Read More


PHP Data Encryption is important to safety and privacy. In this lesson, I am going to show you how to insert and retrieve encrypted data in PHP using a MySQL database. Using these methods will make your websites and applications more secure. After completing this tutorial then you will want to go over How To Read More

Data Encryption Php MySql Methods Implementation Open SSL Encrypt

Data Encryption with Php and MySql is very important. Some programmers wonder about the methods and implementation of different processes for data encryption. In this article we are going to discuss a sure way to encrypt your data with Open SSL before storing it in MySql. UPDATE: I posted a newer version of this tutorial Read More

Php 7 For Loop Foreach Loop Simple Explanations

“Php 7 for loop” and “foreach loops” will display a block of code for a number of times. We initialize the for loop with a parameter unlike what we did in the while loops. Next, we set the comparison operator and finally we increment the number of times the loop should run. Here are the Read More