
Building a Calorie and Nutrient Counter Using FoodData Central API

Building a Calorie and Nutrient Counter Using FoodData Central API

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a calorie and nutrient counter using the FoodData Central API. This guide will help you build a web application that allows users to enter a food item and receive detailed nutritional information. Video Here Prerequisites Before we start, ensure you have the following: Read More

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress1x1

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress. ImageMagick is a powerful open-source software suite that is used for creating, editing, and converting images. It is commonly used by WordPress developers and designers to enhance the visuals of their websites. If you’re running Ubuntu 20.04 and PHP8, and you want to enable ImageMagick in Read More

How To Submit Summernote Content to Mysql Database in PHP?

How To Submit Summernote Content to Mysql Database in PHP

In this tutorial, I will show you how to submit Summernote content to MySql database. Summernote is a popular WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor that allows users to format and style text, add images and videos, and more. In web applications, it’s often used to allow users to create rich-text content Read More

Delete Files in Directory or Folder With PHP | How To Tutorial | Unlink

Delete Files in Directory or Folder With PHP

To delete files in a directory or folder with PHP, all you have to do is use the unlink function. Unlink not only deletes pictures, but will delete any kind of file in a directory. Lets get started. Unlink in PHP The unlink function has been around since PHP4. It also works on PHP5, PHP7 Read More

Self Destruct Letter Script | Fun Easy Mobile Friendly

Self Destruct Letter Script

This self destruct letter script is fun, fast and mobile friendly. All you have to do is download it and upload it to your server. I created this script a while ago but I made some updates to it. You can see the self destruct letter script in action here. Feel free to use it. Read More

How To Move A Large WordPress Website To A New Server

How To Move A Large WordPress Website To A New Server

In this how to tutorial I will show you how to move a large WordPress website from one server to another. In this tutorial I assume that you already know how to SSH into your server. You must already know these following things, if you do not, click the link and learn them and then Read More

How To Search PHP Encrypted Database

How To Search PHP Encrypted Database

This post will show you how to search a PHP encrypted database. This is a follow up on the PHP encryption and decryption tutorials. Many have made the argument that once all the data is encrypted and stored that there is no way to query the database. However, you can query the database and I Read More



Encryption, Decryption and MySQL in PHP is very important these days with hacker after hacker out there always ready to find new crafty ways to steal your customer’s information. Do not be a victim here because you do not have to be! Be proactive in your efforts to make your customers’ websites be a fortress Read More



PHP Data Encryption is important to safety and privacy. In this lesson, I am going to show you how to insert and retrieve encrypted data in PHP using a MySQL database. Using these methods will make your websites and applications more secure. After completing this tutorial then you will want to go over How To Read More

Data Encryption Php MySql Methods Implementation Open SSL Encrypt

Data Encryption Php MySql Methods Implementation Open SSL Encrypt

Data Encryption with Php and MySql is very important. Some programmers wonder about the methods and implementation of different processes for data encryption. In this article we are going to discuss a sure way to encrypt your data with Open SSL before storing it in MySql. UPDATE: I posted a newer version of this tutorial Read More

Php 7 For Loop Foreach Loop Simple Explanations

Php 7 For Loop Foreach Loop Simple Explanations

“Php 7 for loop” and “foreach loops” will display a block of code for a number of times. We initialize the for loop with a parameter unlike what we did in the while loops. Next, we set the comparison operator and finally we increment the number of times the loop should run. Here are the Read More

Php 7 While Loop Repeat Different Information Dynamically | Lesson 19

Php 7 While Loop Repeat Different Information Dynamically

In a “Php 7 While Loop” you can repeat different information dynamically when you compare it to a variable. A While loop will execute when a condition is “TRUE” in other words “matches the variable”. Here is what we are going to be learning in this lesson. While Do While The Php features we will be using Read More



Php 7 Statements include “if”, “else” and “elseif”. We logically consider the situation and use these Php 7 statements accordingly. Programming Php 7 statements is like “reasoning” something out. In this Php 7 tutorial we are going to use money and relationships to explain this process. File for this lesson.  Php 7 IF Statement A Php Read More

Php 7 Logical Operator AND, OR, XOR, NOT !, &&, || Lesson 16

Php 7 Logical Operator

The Php 7 logical operator help us to filter data before displaying it. Our choices are AND, OR, XOR, NOT !, && and ||. In the last lesson we talked about Comparison Operators and how they work. We need to understand the logic of a situation so we know what to display and how. We will Read More

PHP 7 Operators Arithmetic Calculations Lesson 14

PHP 7 Operators Arithmetic Calculations Lesson 13

Php 7 operators are used for Arithmetic and Calculations. It is also used for comparing values. If we used Php 7 for arithmetic and calculations we would be using add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulus and exponents. Here are files from the last lesson. Here are files for this lesson. Php 7 Arithmetic Operators Examples + Read More