Category Archives: JavaScript

How to Use JavaScript

JavaScript is a popular programming language used for creating interactive and dynamic websites. It is a client-side language, meaning that it runs in a user’s web browser rather than on a web server.

JavaScript allows developers to add dynamic functionality to web pages, such as pop-ups, form validations, and interactive elements like sliders and dropdown menus. It also enables the creation of complex web applications and games.

One of the benefits of JavaScript is that it is supported by all major web browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. This makes it a versatile and widely-used language for web development.

In addition, JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and jQuery have been developed to simplify the process of building complex web applications. These frameworks provide pre-built components and functionalities, allowing developers to build high-quality web applications more efficiently.

Overall, JavaScript is a powerful and essential tool for web development, enabling developers to create engaging and interactive web applications and improve the user experience.

how to enable JavaScript in Chrome browser JavaScript tutorial

Are you trying to visit a website and there appears to be no styling or design to it? If you visit a page that looks like it has just been broken down into text links, then it is a good possibility that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Great news! This is an easy fix. Read More

Make A Game CSS JavaScript and HTML

This is a tutorial on how to make a game with CSS, JavaScript and HTML. Making games are fun and they are not that hard to do. The object of this game is to shoot the objects and make them stop. We have some cool sound effects that we are loading into this as well. The Read More


In order to use JavaScript Get element by class name you have to have a class. You can use a class in a div or any tag that you want. Here are a few examples of class names and how they are used. <div class=”anyName”></div> <p class=”anyName”>Paragraph Text</p> <span class=”anyName”>This is a span</span> <h1 class=”anyName”>This Read More


To use a JavaScript button as a link properly you need to start off with an HTML button element. This is commonly referred to as the button tag in HTML. Below is the code example for a button element.  <button></button> If you put the button tag element in a webpage it will look like this. You Read More

We can direct people to our mobile site using JavaScript. What this following code does is look for a screen size and then redirects the user. [code] <script type="text/javascript"> if (screen.width <= 699) { document.location = "mymobilesite.html"; }[/code] The following code will target iPhone and iPods to your mobile website. [code] if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) Read More


Qualifications: 20 Years + experience in the following computer languages. HTML Hypertext Markup Language  PHP pre hypertext preprocessor  CSS Cascading Stylesheets  JavaScript  MySql Databases  ASP.NET  Access  SQL  Node.js  And many many more WHY AM I ADVERTISING ON CRAIGSLIST & OTHER CLASSIFIEDS? Many people think they are getting a “deal” hiring someone working out of their Read More


Have you ever wanted to Style  HTML Tables With A Lot Of Content? HTML tables are nice to use because they keep content separated in a nice neat order. However there are many times when webmasters want to put more information into a table cell that makes the table distort. The video below will walk you Read More


Do you want a KALEIDOSCOPE CSS JAVASCRIPT ANIMATION IN WORDPRESS? Check out the script below. This is a script written in JavaScript and CSS. It can tantalize the visual senses for a while. What is even more cool is that you can use your own pictures just by dragging and dropping them into your webpage. Read More


To use the JavaScript String replace() Procedure you must first show what it is that you want to replace using this method. Below we will look at different things to replace with the JavaScript String replace() feature. What Can I replace Using The JavaScript String replace() feature? Virtually anything that you can target with JavaScript Read More


In JavaScript let visitors change background color with the click of a button.  There are more advanced ways to do this however I am going to show you something very simple. The div classes that I will target on this website are site, site-content and entry-content. If you look over in the sidebar to the right Read More

JavaScript Buttons onClick Event getElementById

In this tutorial we are going to use JavaScript Buttons onClick Event getElementById. First thing to know is that we can give any HTML element an id. Here are some examples, we are giving every one of the HTML elements an id of test. [code]<div id=”test”></div>[/code] [code]<h2 id=”test”></h2>[/code] [code]<p id=”test”></p>[/code] [code]<body id=”test”></body>[/code] We can target Read More

JavaScript document.getElementById Edit Background Color

JavaScript document.getElementById Edit Background Color We can use JavaScript like CSS to style a div element on a page to edit the background color. Lets say that you have a div id on a page called “topright” and you wanted to change the color to red with JavaScript. [code]<div id="topright"></div>[/code] Use the code below to Read More

How to Use JavaScript

Q. What is JavaScript? A. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Netscape Communications Corp by a man named Brendan Eich and is designed to bring interactivity to webpages and creating web applications. Originally called LiveScript, it is an object oriented language, meaning it can use and support objects. While it may be known to be Read More


How to redirect to mobile site Redirect to mobile site because its easy! So you have your website set up and a mobile friendly site but you still need to redirect to mobile site. What we can do is use java script to figure out what size screen the user is using. If they surfer Read More