Welcome to “Entry Level Programming” for new developers. PHP, MySql and Apache will be the focus for these lessons. Learn how to write HTML with PHP.
The lessons provided are taught at an absolute beginner level. We want to build a solid foundation in your knowledge for future projects. A prerequisite to these lessons are the “Beginner Web Development Course“. Make sure that you complete that basic course before moving onto this programming in PHP course or have a basic understanding of HTML.
Programming Course Learning Highlights
After completing these courses you will be able to efficiently and effectively do the following.
Ever wonder how to create a download link in PHP and then make it expire? Would you like to know how to expire a download link after a set number of times they download it? Do you want to know how to protect your files from people trying to steal your downloads? We are going Read More
“Php 7 for loop” and “foreach loops” will display a block of code for a number of times. We initialize the for loop with a parameter unlike what we did in the while loops. Next, we set the comparison operator and finally we increment the number of times the loop should run. Here are the Read More
In a “Php 7 While Loop” you can repeat different information dynamically when you compare it to a variable. A While loop will execute when a condition is “TRUE” in other words “matches the variable”. Here is what we are going to be learning in this lesson. While Do While The Php features we will be using Read More
Php 7 Switch Statement operates a lot like IF Statements. Generally, you will only use switch statements when comparing one condition. This is what it was designed for and that is how we will use it. If we have multiple conditions to consider then use the IF Else Statement Operator. Here are the files for Read More
Php 7 Statements include “if”, “else” and “elseif”. We logically consider the situation and use these Php 7 statements accordingly. Programming Php 7 statements is like “reasoning” something out. In this Php 7 tutorial we are going to use money and relationships to explain this process. File for this lesson. Php 7 IF Statement A Php Read More
The Php 7 logical operator help us to filter data before displaying it. Our choices are AND, OR, XOR, NOT !, && and ||. In the last lesson we talked about Comparison Operators and how they work. We need to understand the logic of a situation so we know what to display and how. We will Read More
Php 7 Comparison Operators compare 2 or more values . There are several different ways to perform these operations. A “Php 7 comparison operator” will check to see if the values are equal, identical, greater than or less than each other. Let’s go over the different methods to use this handy tool. Files from last Read More
Php 7 operators are used for Arithmetic and Calculations. It is also used for comparing values. If we used Php 7 for arithmetic and calculations we would be using add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulus and exponents. Here are files from the last lesson. Here are files for this lesson. Php 7 Arithmetic Operators Examples + Read More
PHP 7 Constants are like variables. The only difference is that they cannot be changed. Once you set a “Constant” you cannot change it. PHP Constants need to hold unique information. Here are the files from the last lesson. PHP 7 Constants Basic Example In this Php 7 Constants example, we are setting a constant Read More
String functions in Php7 are your arsenal for being a more efficient coder. The possibilities are immense when it comes to string functions in Php7. Let’s take a look at some of the string functions in Php7. Echo Is A Php String Function Echo is one Php string function that you have already been using. Read More
DATA TYPES IN PHP 7 Here is the second part to the data types in PHP7. Lesson 10 we talked about Strings, Integers, Booleans, and Floats.In this lesson we are going to talk about Objects, Arrays, NULL and Resource. Here are the files from the previous lesson if you are just joining us. Video is Read More
Understanding PHP7 data types will help you put things together. There are 8 different data types in PHP. They are all used differently. We will cover the first 4 types in this lesson and the second half in the next lesson. Here are files from the last lesson. Here are some quick examples of PHP7 Read More
Hello friends, next week we will have a “PHP7 Power Week“. The PHP power week will consist of two lessons a day. I will release one about 9 AM in the morning and then release another one about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This will be Monday through Friday Eastern standard time. Make sure you Read More
“Form processing” in PHP7 using the $_POST method is much like using the $_GET method. In this video lesson on using the $_POST method, I will show you some code examples. In programming code, you will be using the $_POST method more than the $_GET method. Here are the files from our last lesson. Here Read More
Processing forms in PHP7 for beginners can be hard to understand. Let’s break it down for you before we actually start coding. In the last lesson we manually created URL query strings. We then used the $_GET method to get sections of the string and display them on a page. In programming we call this Read More
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