How is it best to remove a <h1> tag in theme 2013?

A1WEBSITEPRO QuestionsCategory: SEOHow is it best to remove a <h1> tag in theme 2013?
ron asked 9 years ago

I noticed in my bing SEO analyzer that several of my pages have 2 <h1> tags and I know that I can only have one for maximum SEO. One is being inserted as class=”entry-title” and the other is class=”screen-reader-text” . How is it best for me to handle this. I don’t show either one on my page. 
For now I went into my header.php in my child theme and commented out the line 45 that inserts <!– <h1 class=”site-title”><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?></h1>–> is this the best way to handle this?

How is it best to remove a <h1> tag in theme 2013? was last modified: October 5th, 2015 by ron
0 Answers
Maximus Mccullough Staff answered 9 years ago

By Default wordpress makes an h1 tag of the title of your article. This is the way it should be. You create the title when you create a post or a page. If there are any other h1 tags on that page remove them or change them to a h2, h3 or even a p tag. I would scan your single.php, page.php and your functions.php to make sure none of them are adding additional h1 tags. 

Answer for How is it best to remove a <h1> tag in theme 2013? was last modified: October 5th, 2015 by Maximus Mccullough