Linux Mint Tech Support

Find Largest Files in Linux Terminal

Find Largest Files in Linux Terminal

There are times when you need to find the largest files in your Linux Terminal. Here are a list of commands that you can use to find out what is bloating your website. Remember that every web page that you have should not load any more than 2 MB maximum. Use The List Command ls Read More

Setting up Multiple Display Monitors and Settings in Linux Mint and Ubuntu

Setting UP Multiple Display Monitors and Settings in Linux Mint and Ubuntu

This post is about setting up multiple display monitors on your Linux Mint or Ubuntu Operating system. In a previous post, I show how to hook up an external monitor. In this post, we will discuss the settings and how to arrange your display monitors. For the record, we refer to monitors as screens and Read More

Synchronize Google Drive with Linux Mint

Synchronize Google Drive with Linux Mint

To synchronize Google Drive with Linux Mint, follow the steps below. This is a straightforward task and even if you’re technically challenged, as some say, you will get through this with no problems. I did not leave out any steps, and I created this so that it is easily understandable. If you disagree, then leave Read More

How To Install Linux Mint | Create Bootable Flash Drive

how to install Linux mint create bootable flash drive

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Linux Mint and create a bootable flash drive. You can do this install a couple different ways, but I recommend backing up your current computer either way. Recently I created a tutorial on how to back up your Windows 10 computer. Windows 10 Backup Computer Read More

Setting Wallpaper Desktop Background Image in Linux Mint

Setting Wallpaper Desktop Background Image in Linux Mint

To set the wallpaper desktop background in Linux Mint navigate to your picture folder. Right click on any image that you want as your wall paper then select “wallpaper”. It’s really that easy. Background Images & Settings Additionally you can go to your search and type in “Backgrounds” and see all the backgrounds that you Read More