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For Custom Column Output Names Terminal MySQL, when selecting data from a table using the SELECT statement, you can customize the output column names. This can be useful when the column names in the table are not descriptive enough or when you want to for
See MoreTo delete records in mysql use this terminal command. DELETE FROM [table] WHERE [column] = [value];
See MoreTo export a database use this command in terminal. mysqldump -u [username] -p [database] > db_backup.sql If that does not work for you then you may have created a user in cPanel or some other website management application. You may have to use the --no-ta
See MoreTo import a database dump use this command. mysql -u [username] -p -h localhost [database] < db_backup.sql
See MoreTo update a record you can use this command. UPDATE [table] SET [column] = '[updated-value]' WHERE [column] = [value];
See MoreTo select with a customer order and limit the results use this command. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] ORDER BY [column] ASC LIMIT [value];
See MoreTo select a range use this code. Take out the brackets and replace the values. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] BETWEEN [value1] and [value2];
See MoreTo find records that start and end with a certain value use this command. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '[val_ue]';
See MoreTo find something that starts with a certain string use this code. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '[value]%';
See MoreTo find records containing something use this command. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] LIKE '%[value]%';
See MoreTo select specific records in terminal use this code. SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column] = [value];
See MoreTo count and select group records in terminal use this command. SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table]) AS count FROM [table] GROUP BY [column];
See MoreTo count records enter this command. Take out square brackets and replace names accordingly. SELECT COUNT([column]) FROM [table];
See MoreTo select parts of records use this command. SELECT [column], [another-column] FROM [table];
See MoreTo explain records use this command. Take out brackets and replace table with your table name. EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM [table];
See MoreTo select record in terminal for mysql use this command. Change the value of table and take out the brackets. SELECT * FROM [table];
See MoreFor date time input use this function. NOW()
See MoreTo insert a record use this command in terminal. Customize the values. INSERT INTO [table] ([column], [column]) VALUES ('[value]', [value]');
See MoreIf you're working with a MySQL database, you may find that you need to add a new column to a table. Fortunately, adding a column to a MySQL table is a straightforward process that we will do using the MySQL terminal command. Here's how:
See MoreTo create a new table with columns use this command. CREATE TABLE [table] ([column] VARCHAR(120), [another-column] DATETIME);
See MoreTo see all indexes on a table enter this code. show index from [table];
See MoreTo show the table structure in terminal use this code. describe [table];
See MoreIf you want to see the tables in the database use this command. show tables;
See MoreIf you want to know what database that you are in you can use this terminal command. select database();
See MoreYou can select a database to work with by entering the following command in terminal. use [database];
See MoreIf you want to create a new database in terminal enter the following command. create database [database];
See MoreIf you're a developer working with databases, you're probably familiar with MySQL - an open-source relational database management system. While there are many ways to access a MySQL database, one of the most straightforward methods is through the MySQL te
See MoreIn order to show all databases in your terminal enter the following code. show databases;
See MoreIn order to access your the mysql part in your terminal you will enter something like this. Access monitor: mysql -u [username] -p; (will prompt for password)
See MoreThere are times when you might have a database connection error. If you are on the Ubuntu system on Amazon hosting then run this command. sudo service mysql or try this sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
See More