To explain records use this command. Take out brackets and replace table with your table name. EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM [table];
Read MoreTo select record in terminal for mysql use this command. Change the value of table and take out the brackets. SELECT * FROM [table];
Read MoreFor date time input use this function. NOW()
Read MoreTo insert a record use this command in terminal. Customize the values. INSERT INTO [table] ([column], [column]) VALUES ('[value]', [value]');
Read MoreIf you're working with a MySQL database, you may find that you need to add a new column to a table. Fortunately, adding a column to a MySQL table is a straightforward process that we will do using the MySQL terminal command. Here's how:
Read MoreTo create a new table with columns use this command. CREATE TABLE [table] ([column] VARCHAR(120), [another-column] DATETIME);
Read MoreTo see all indexes on a table enter this code. show index from [table];
Read MoreTo show the table structure in terminal use this code. describe [table];
Read MoreIf you want to see the tables in the database use this command. show tables;
Read MoreIf you want to know what database that you are in you can use this terminal command. select database();
Read MoreYou can select a database to work with by entering the following command in terminal. use [database];
Read MoreIf you want to create a new database in terminal enter the following command. create database [database];
Read MoreIf you're a developer working with databases, you're probably familiar with MySQL - an open-source relational database management system. While there are many ways to access a MySQL database, one of the most straightforward methods is through the MySQL te
Read MoreIn order to show all databases in your terminal enter the following code. show databases;
Read MoreIn order to access your the mysql part in your terminal you will enter something like this. Access monitor: mysql -u [username] -p; (will prompt for password)
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