This article will help you install WordPress with Shell access ( ssh ) using the wget command in a Linux/Ubuntu terminal.

Logging Into Shell

If you do not know your shell or ssh login contact your hosting provider and they can provide you with that information. If you already have that information you can proceed. Open up your terminal from your Ubuntu menu. Type in the following command replacing "USER" with your shell username and "" with your IP address or host name. ssh [email protected] You will prompted to enter a password. Just as a note in case you are not familiar with terminal, you will not see anything when you are typing your password. Now you should be logged in to the backend of your website's file system.

Where Do I Enter The Commands?

Navigate to the main level of your website where your public FTP files will be for your site to function. Some folders you may see in this level are cgi-bin, error, favicon-ico, index.html, robots.txt and/or stats.

Use WGET To Add WordPress Core Files

Now you are ready to add the WordPress core files to install WordPress on your domain. Here is the first command to type into the terminal. After you have typed it in, hit Enter. wget --no-check-certificate This has now added a zip file of the latest version of WordPress to your site files.

Unzip The Latest Version Of WordPress

Next you need to type in the following command to unzip the WordPress core files. Remember to hit Enter to proceed. tar xfz latest.tar.gz

Move The WordPress Files To The Main Directory

Now that the files have unzipped you will notice that they are in their own folder or directory that is called WordPress. Type the next command and hit Enter to put the core files up into the main level. mv wordpress/* ./

Remove Unnecessary Files

At this point you are almost ready to proceed with your installation. Now you will put in the last command to remove the file called wordpress and the original zip file that you started with. These to files are no longer needed. rmdir wordpress/ && rm -f latest.tar.gz

Database Information That You Need

You should have your database information ready before completing the installation. Make sure that you have the database name, database username, and database password handy to enter into the installation wizard. *NOTE: You can get your database information from your host if they have provided it or you can go to your hosting dashboard and create this yourself.

Finishing Installation With WordPress Install Wizard

Now go to your browser and type in your domain name to finish installing WordPress. You will be given several prompts during this start-up wizard:
    • Choose a language
    • Name your site
    • Create a username and password for your WordPress dashboard
    • Enter the information to connect to your database

You Are Ready To Manage Your New Site

Congratulations! Your site is live and you are ready to add content and design it however you like. To login to the dashboard and manage your content type the following URL into your browser. (Remember to change YOURDOMAIN to whatever the name of your domain really is called.) This i where you enter the username and password that you created during the installation wizard.

Want More?

For more informatoin about managing your WordPres website, check out our other tutorials on A1WebsitePro and on our YouTube channel.

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