In this article we will go over the image specs for your Facebook Fan Page and Group Page. This easy guide will include a template download that you can use to make sure you create your graphic for the best results.
Intro To Facebook Marketing Strategies
This tutorial and others to come will help to guide you with strategies for marketing on Facebook. One of the first things of importance when visitors come to your Facebook Fan Page is the header graphic at the top of the page. Facebook Fan Page Header Graphic It is important to make your header graphic look right. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information out there. If you are reading this, chances are that you made a graphic according to specs you were given online and when you uploaded it you found the graphic did not look right. Additionally, it may have had parts of it that were cut off or the picture resolution was off a bit. This guide is to help you have the correct ratio and understanding to help you create a better header image for your Facebook Fan Page. Also, a different option for your header graphic would be to insert a video file. We will cover creating a video header for the Facebook Fan Page in a separate tutorial.Fan Page and Group Page Specs
The Fan Page and Group Page graphics have a little bit different specs. In this tutorial we will cover both versions and later in this article you will be provided with a download link for each one. Facebook Fan Page And Group Page Header SpecsThe Fan Page Header Graphic Template
The Fan Page header graphic is 820 by 461 which is a 16:9 ratio. However, I recommend using 1200 by 675 which is still a 16:9 ratio and this makes it easier for more editing and getting more intricate with your design. I have created a template as a guide to help you understand how to create the graphic so that it will work well both for desktop visitors and mobile visitors alike.Facebook Fan Page Template Graphic The Fan Page and Group Page headers are both 16:9 ratio but as they are two different sizes. I will provide you with a separate download for each template. You will notice that this template is labeled Fan Page.
Making The Fan Page Header Graphic
For the Fan Page you want to make the graphic 1200px wide and 675px high for the over-all size. Take note in the image below of the bright green arrow on the left and the greenish blue area going across the image that reflects that height. That is the part that will show on the desktop version of your Facebook Fan Page. Facebook Fan Page Desktop View Size Of Header Graphic As indicated on the right hand side of the graphic with the white arrow you can see that the mobile version of the graphic will show the entire thing. Make sure that you keep to the 1200 px width so that you do not have any problems with cropping or cutting off of your graphic.Examples Of Cut Off Graphics
If you look at my graphic below you will see that my header graphic was cut off on the right side of the screen. Example of fan page header graphic cut off Here is an example of the same graphic only through a mobile site tester. You can see how the header graphic is cropped off from both sides on the mobile version. Example of fan page header graphic cut off on mobile version The reason for this is that I originally used misinformation from the internet that did not provide proper details for creating the graphic to be mobile friendly.Understanding The Fan Page Specs
Download the Fan Page template HERE. If you would like to create your own on Adobe Photoshop you can do that also by understanding the specs for the Fan Page. Follow these steps:- Start by opening up your Photoshop program and clicking New under the File menu
- Open Photoshop and go to File and New
- Select Custom Size and set the width at 1200 px and the height at 675 px
- In the Photoshop pop-up select custom size and set your width and height
- You will see other options in the preset settings. Set the Orientation at landscape, the Resolution at 72 Pixels/Inch, the Color Mode at RGB Color 8 bit and the Background Contents sets at White. Then click Create.
- Reviewing Other Photoshop Preset Settings
- If you have downloaded the template you can simply go into Photoshop and click File and Open and open the downloaded file. Now you are ready to create your Fan Page header. In the Downloads section of this post I have included links for both the PNG file and the Photoshop PSD file for the template.
- Open the template file you downloaded in Photoshop