So I do not care for spam emails. I am sure that you guys value your time like me.

I talk about a lot of different things. However I am sure that many of you might want to hear about more targeted topics and not get every newsletter or post I send out.


In this ezbloo system i make a way for people only to subscribe to topics that interest them. So, if you are a wordpress user you can subscribe to my #wordpress topics. If you are a programmer, you can subscribe to my #programming topic.

This benefits us all. I can get you the subjects that interest you without bothering you with something that does not interest you.

This List

If you are receiving this email this means that you are subscribed to my newsletters. You can modify this in your account here. There are a few options you have.

You can subscribe to the following.

  1. Topics like above
  2. Posts all posts that I make only
  3. Newsletters only
  4. Posts and Newsletters

I am always hesitate to publish something on my site because I don't want to broadcast something that is irrelevant to you. So, I hope this helps you guys to get to the information that is relevant to you.



ps. To adjust your subscription status click unsubscribe in this email or login to your account here and adjust it. If you need to reset your password just click on lost password and I will send you a new one.