There are times when we need to get the value of a input field with JavaScript. We can get values from several different #input-types" target="_blank" rel="noopener">types of input fields.
- text
- number
- date
- #input-types" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Complete List Here.
JavaScript Value
The way we grab a value from an input filed is by using the value function in JavaScript. First set the input field.<input type="text" id="foo" value="">Then we grab the value with this syntax.
Code for Getting The Value in JavaScript
Enter Something: <input type="text" id="foo" value=""><br/> Enter Something Else: <input type="text" id="koo" value=""><br/> <button onclick="getValue()">Try it </button> <p id="boo"></p> <script> function getValue() { var y = document.getElementById("boo"); var x = document.getElementById("foo").value; var z = document.getElementById("koo").value; y.innerHTML = x +' ' + z; } </script>
Adding Numbers Together In JavaScript
This is the final code from today's lesson. This code will add 2 numbers together and display them in the users browser. Notice we have to use the "+" sign in front of the variables that we want to change to integers so they can be added.This: <input type="number" id="foo" value="" /><br/> Plus This: <input type="number" id="zoo" value="" /><br/> <button onclick="getValue()">Add Numbers</button> <h2>Equals This</h2> <p id="boo"></p><script> function getValue(){ var y = document.getElementById('boo'); var x = document.getElementById('foo').value; var z = document.getElementById('zoo').value; var a = +x + +z; y.innerHTML=a; }</script>Lesson 16