There are literally hundreds of CSS libraries that you can use. You can see a lot of them listed here. Be sure when choosing one that you choose one that is responsive and easy to work with. This is why I chose Bootstrap.
Read MoreThere are JavaScript methods that you can take advantage of when you need to. We like to propose applications where you can use such methods. This helps you to understand them better. In this lesson today we are going to use a JavaScript method of push to
Read MoreA1WebsitePro is now offering a great new code testing tool. This tool is useful for everyone who needs a quick resource to test the code that they are working with. A Helpful Tool For Use With Tutorials
Read MoreJavaScript Arrays can hold several pieces of data in one string. This is how we set a JavaScript Array. JavaScript Array Syntax
Read MoreThere are times when we need to get the value of a input field with JavaScript. We can get values from several different types of input fields. text number date
Read MoreJavaScript Switch statement is used when we have a lot of variables that we want to match. In the following example we get the day of the week. We can then show something for each day of the week.
Read MoreSometimes you want to check if we meet 2 or more conditions in JavaScript. To accomplish this we use the OR "||", AND "
Read MoreMany times in programming we have to check to see if a condition is met and then display a result of some sort. This is where the if else statements come in handy with JavaScript. For instance lets say that you wanted to display something on a certain dat
Read MoreI want you to get use to setting variables in JavaScript because it is going to help you in the future. Instead of writing this syntax over and over again, you can write it one time and store it in a variable. Let me show you.
Read MoreIf you are an absolute beginner in web development you must be aware that JavaScript is essential. We are going to break it down for you in the simplest of terms. So if you are a beginner this lesson is for you. This is going to be fun!
Read MoreThis is the lesson where we actually begin to coding websites with CSS. We take the mock-up from the last post and make a real webpage with clickable links. When creating a web page, the first step is usually to create a mock-up or design.
Read MoreWhat is CSS? CSS is an acronym for "Cascading Style Sheets". We use CSS to style webpages. With it we can specify positions, colors, background and much more.
Read MoreWe will be covering HTML5 forms in this lesson. In your web development career you will use forms a lot. It is a good idea to get use to what is available to you. It is important to note that we are covering creating forms. Processing forms in PHP will be
Read MoreWe user ordered lists and unordered lists all the time when developing websites. In fact you would be hard pressed to find a webpage on the internet that does not have some type of list items on it. It is very common to use and this is how you use it.
Read MoreLinks and Linking Absolute Beginners Course in Web Development
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