Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]

Are you killing your Google Analytics Bounce Rate? Most webmasters not only posts on their website they also use their website a lot. They are on it every day and they check to make sure they are being indexed in the search engines. Typically they will Google their titles and see what position they are in. They want to know if they are on the first page or not. Once they see their link on the first page, they click it. They visit that page and then close their browser. Little known to themselves, they just killed their bounce rate.

How Google Analytics Bounce Rate Works

The Google Analytics Bounce Rate metrics are activated when someone comes to your website and only visits one page then leaves. If you are a webmaster that checks your rank in the search engine then remember this. If you check your rank in a search engine then make sure that you click on something else on your page while you are there! The higher your bounce rate is the worse your website page is!

About The Google Analytics Code (Techie Stuff)

I found out about the Google Analytics Code is limited in ability. For example, I visited one of my webpages and went to the live view. I left the webpage open in another tab for a few minutes. The visit to that page disappeared after a few minutes but I was still on the page! I concluded that if you have a lot of information on a webpage you better use pagination. If you have too much information on a page that takes longer than a few minutes to read you are killing your bounce rate!

Why You Should Care About Your Bounce Rate

You should care about your bounce rate because this metric measures the "importance" of your webpage. This rating tells Search Engines like Google if they should keep you on page one or bury your site to the second or third page somewhere.

Ways To Decrease Your Google Analytics Bounce Rate

If you want to decrease your Google Analytics Bounce Rate then there are a few things to keep in mind.

Be Interesting To People

You need to be interesting to people and give them some type of fulfillment. You want to answer the question that you posed in your title. You want to "Solve The Mystery" that you posed in the title of the article.

Use Pagination in Long Articles

Use pagination in longer articles like this one. You will notice at the bottom I have more to tell you about this subject. However, having a page that is ten miles long is not wise.

Use A Related Post Plugin

There is a reason why developers created Related Posts Plugins. They are useful for decreasing your bounce rate.  A user will see related articles that you have written and click on them if they sound interesting.

Clean Up Your Website

Thats right, clean up your website. No one wants to see all that busy information in a sidebar. My advice is get rid of the sidebars altogether. Focus your user on the subject you are writing about. If you need ads like this site does then put them in unobtrusively. This will maximize your ads to their fullest potential as well.

 Thank You For Not Killing My Bounce Rate

Let me take this time by saying thank you for not killing my bounce rate. Since you clicked to the next page I got a brownie point from Google, Yaaa.

The Google Analytics Bounce Rate Game

This is a Google Analytics Bounce Rate Game for sure. Years ago they instructed us to write for humans not for search engines. That was a crock! Peoples attention span these days is like 8 seconds but Google wants you to keep people on your site for like several minutes and make them click on something.

Is Your Site Meaningful To Google?

The truth is Google does not actually know if your site is meaningful. All this information about writing for humans just went out the window. I am writing for a search engine now. Notice all my subheadings and the way I choose my words to almost exactly match the subheadings? You know why people have such a hard time with this? Because they are people, not search engines! To write a good article that gets indexed you are going to spend at least a couple hours. Now with video rankings coming into play you are looking a a couple more. Then marketing that article is going to be another hour. This is why "New Start Ups" are very hard to convince. They will never know unless they do the time and work.

Wanna Better Bounce Rate Do The Work!

Well people there is no way around it, if you wanna better bounce rate then do the work. I show my sons what they have to do to rank in Google for one article. Their eyes fall heavy and eventually they are so bored out of their minds they fall asleep. I can't blame them though. It's no longer just writing a quick post and out the door because "It's A Full Time Job"! Well thats my 2 cents about the Google Bounce rate. Do you have any suggestions? Please feel free to leave them in the comment box below. Have a nice day! :-)