Qualifications: 20 Years + experience in the following computer languages.
  • HTML Hypertext Markup Language
  •  PHP pre hypertext preprocessor
  •  CSS Cascading Stylesheets
  •  JavaScript
  •  MySql Databases
  •  ASP.NET
  •  Access
  •  SQL
  •  Node.js
  •  And many many more


Many people think they are getting a “deal” hiring someone working out of their house, basement or even their bedroom advertising on Craigslist or some other classified. The fact of the matter is when you hire someone who is not a fully qualified web developer this can be very harmful to you and your business enterprise.

My Experience Contacting Other Firms

I have conversed with many people some of who have an office or “Web Development Company” set up. Many of them cannot communicate with me about the simplest forms of programming like HTML5, JavaScript, or CSS. I am a 100% true nerd when it comes to these languages.

My Concern

I am concerned about people calling themselves web developers when they are only installing what we web developers have programmed but don’t know how they work. There are many FREE open source CMS or Content Management Systems out there that you can take advantage of. I will freely tell you what they are and how to use them if you want to DIY {Do It Yourself} website. Heck I will even show you how to be a web developer, it is all over my website. https://youtu.be/KpDK1ZLxR2U

The Truth of the Matter

The truth of the matter is you can actually set up a real website for under $20 if you are willing to do it yourself. Sure there is a small learning curve but you can learn what you need to do in a few short minutes! Here is an unedited video that I made. I bought a domain name and created a website in 10 minutes!


Here is my warning because I do have thousands of clients all over the world most of whom have got burned by someone advertising their web skills when they have next to none. You are going to get what you deserve. If you want to cut corners and hire someone that does not have a full knowledge of what it takes for your business to be online then shame on you. Hire a ½ assed web developer and you are going to get a ½ assed website simple as that.

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