Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]

The following was a deep thought out request that I received on YouTube. I will be making this series in the near future for people that are interested in programming. You can see the outline below. Stay tuned!

Message About PHP7 from YouTube

I am keeping an eye your on channel related to php. Are your video tutorials on php 7 or not ? Can you answer that ?

I am looking for tuts on php 7 (mysqli & pdo). NO Frame Works. Just basic orthodox php. Imagine you have a db called: Users Imagine you have a tbl called: All_Users Imagine all records of the tbl "All_Users" are displayed in-front of you along ith check-boxes. But, instead of deleting the checkbox selected IDs or users from the "All_Users" tbl, imagine you want to add the checkbox selected IDs or users to another tbl such as: Users_To_Follow.

Q1: Now, how would you do that ? Do you mind showing us a tutorial on your next video ?

Q2: Can you show us on your php 7 tutorials: Tutorial 1 * how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a check box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 2 * how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with multi checking box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 3 * how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a radio button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 4 * how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a dropdown selector using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 5 * how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with multi-options dropdown selector using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 6 * how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with an onClick button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 7 * how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with onClick button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 8 * how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a text box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 9 * how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with a text box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 10 * how to search, update, delete mysql records using mysqli & pdo and filter search results based on exact match, fuzzy match, alphabetical order, data submission order (order by date submitted).

Tutorial 11 * how to search mysql database using mysqli and filter search results based on exact match, fuzzy match, alphabetically, data submit order (order by date submitted) and then insert selected records (by checkbox) to another database or table. Eg. We search for users "michael" on the "users" db/tbl and then we select with checkboxes all the "michael" users we want to add to another db/tbl such as "follow these users" tbl.

Tutorial 12 * how to populate Radio Button, CheckBox, Dropdown, etc. options with data called from Mysql database using Php 7 mysqli & pdo ?

Tutorial 13 * And ofcourse, if you can show how to build a Social Network (both Cookie & Session, User Reg Page, Form validation with php 7 and not with javascript, Email Verification, Forgot Password/Password Reminder, Login Page, Login - Remember Me option, Logout Page, Welcome Page, Search Page (search members, search selected member posts, search selected member website submission links, etc.) Users Messaging Page. And for the admin part ... Admin Page, Admin User Add/Update/Delete/Search Page, Member Messaging Page) that has Following, Posting, Tweeting, Retweeting, Liking, Sharing features then that would be awesome and a reason for people to subscribe to your channel. Be and always remain creative to standout from the crowd! I think you can build atleast 1-2 tutorials each day and attract tonnes of subscribers. Am I right ?

Looking forward to subscribe to your future channels.

PM me when you start uploading these tutorials in php 7 mysqli and pdo. And remember: NO Frame Works. Just basic orthodox php. By the way, don't use Ajax or jQuery at the beginning. Use page refreshing options on your 1st series.

There are already too many Ajax and jQuery tutorials on on youtube and google but hardly any on updating records on webpage by refreshing the webpage.

As beginners, we do not find comfortable jumping into Javascript, Ajax or jQuery and so keep it simple to Php 7 and Mysql (mysqli mostly and if possible pdo).

Finally, checkout my channel regarding the Fan Browser (.exe) if you need good, new and unique feature ideas for your Social Network tuttorial series. You are welcome to copy my unique feature ideas. See if you can build a web version (Social Network or Web Proxy version) with php 7 or not and show tutorial (a new series) how you built it.

About the Fan Browser: With the Fan Browser your subscribers can follow you online from website to website and webpage to webpage and earn you money from their trailing clicks. Unlimited money. Oh by the way .... Can you not forget somethings (like the following) in your Php 7 Social Network/Membership Site/User Register-Login Tutorial Video Series like most other channels have forgotten ? * Email Confirmation email (during user registration). *

Cookies (Remember Me option in Login Page). * Account activation through email verification by clicking account activation link). * Forgot Password/Password Reminder (from Login Page). Don't forget these BASIC features: * Search User's Own details (from user account). * Update User's Own details such as Usernames, Emails, Phone Numbers (from user account). * Search other Users by Usernames, Emails, Phone Numbers, Date of Birth (from user account).

* Mass Email & Message Groups (from user account). * Mass Email & Message Uplines (from user account). * Mass Email & Message Downlines (from user account). * Search, Update/Edit and Delete Members, Groups, Uplines & Downlines of any User (from Admin Account). * Mass Email & Message All Members (from Admin Account). * Mass Email & Message Groups (from Admin Account). * Mass Email & Message Any User's Uplines (from Admin Account). * Mass Email & Message Any User's Downlines (from Admin Account). * Create Different Account Types (Standard, Premium, etc.). * Give Permissions/Roles to different Members, Groups and Accounts. * Accept paypal orders (Paypal IPN) to upgrade account (eg. from Standard to Premium). * Tweet like feature (like twitter). * Re-tweet like feature (like twitter). * @Mention like feature (like twitter).

* Facebook Post like feature. * Facebook LIKE like feature. * SHARE like feature. * Facebook Fan Page like feature. * Rank posts, links, etc. according to Votes feature (digg, reddit, stumbleupon, tumblr). * Social Bookmark like feature (del.icio.us). Yahoo Answers like QA feature. * Online Poll. * Online Petition. * Forum. ADVANCED FEATURES * Web Proxy like feature (Php Proxy script, hidemyass.com, etc.). * VPN feature. * Celebrity & Fan Following like feature (like features of Fan Browser.exe, Fan Browser App, Loud Gobs Browser.exe, Loud Gobs Browser App, etc. Check my channel for more info!). * Forced TWEETING, RETWEETING, @MENTIONING, LIKING & SHARING features (users need to LIKE a page, SHARE a page, @MENTION a page, TWEET about a page, RETWEET a tweet of each other to get something out of each other such as get counted as a FRIEND, view each others private profile, be able to join each others' groups, be able to message each other, download things from each other, UNLOCK a page or LINK, etc. *(eg. Imagine you are a member and another member wants to view private data of your profile such as date of birth, email, phone, address or he wants to PM you or have you count him as a "Friend", now for you to give him these privileges he has to LIKE/SHARE (facebook, etc.) your links or @MENTION your chosen post or tweet about your chosen link or retweet your tweet (twitter, etc.). NOTE: There is a difference between LIKING and SHARING in the Social Networks (SN). Teach how to add both these VIRAL features onto our SN. PPS - Have you seen those php scripts or WP plugins that lock your links or webpages and for visitors to unlock them to view the page content or to download stuffs from your website, visitors have to LIKE and/or SHARE what you want them to LIKE/SHARE/TWEET, RETWEET, @MENTION ? How-about teaching how to add these VIRAL TRAFFIC features ? That way, you help your youtube channel subscribers build VIRAL SNs and that could attract you more subscribers. Try creating one video per FEATURE per DAY. That way subscribers are busy everyday learning from your channel. Don't give anyone any reason to unsubscribe. Ask your subscribers for VIRAL FEATURE IDEAS. Add their suggested features onto your video series day by day. That should attract you ongoing loyal and sticky subscribers.