Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]

Every wonder how to  create a Google Adwords Account so you can advertise on Google? I am going to show you in this tutorial each step to take to advertise on Google. https://youtu.be/UisVKZldlHY   https://youtu.be/Xt5R_Mx3lFs

How do you sign up for a Google Adwords Account?

First you need to go to google.com and type in adwords.google.com. Once you type that in  click on the link that comes up and you will be on the home page. In the top right hand corner is a red box that says start now you will click on that to get an account set up. You will have to have an email with Google to sign up for Adwords. If you don't have a Google email account go sign up for one before you sign up for Adwords. Once you have an email with Google and signed up with Adwords then you are ready to start your first campaign to advertise on Google.

Adwords Sign in pageGoogle Adwords sign up page

How do you start a campaign in Google Adwords?

Once you are logged in to Google Adwords you will see a red button on the screen that says + Campaign so you will click on that and a drop down box will appear and you will click on Search Network only. Once the next page comes up you will have your box for Campaign name and that is usually filled in so you can just ignore that. The next is a drop down dox of Type and you want to select Search Network Only on that.Then beside that you have different options to select from  between Standard, All feature, Product Listing Ads, and Dynamic Search Ads. Usually you will want to just select Standard on this. After that the next thing to select is under location. You can select either All Countries, United States and Canada, United States, or you can select a specific area you want the ad to target. Then you will select the  language that you want to target. Next will be your bid strategy. Usually you want to select Adwords to set your bids and then set your budget per day. Usually you want to start your budget of small like twenty dollars a day. Then the last thing on this page will be your ad extensions. Usually you want to select the Locations under that and then click on the blue button Save and continue.                                                                                                             Google Adwords Campaign Page 1

How do you add your website to the ads?

On the next page you will have a place that you can enter your landing page which this will be the website you are using for the Google Ad you are setting up.  The next part is where you start using the keyword planner. This is where you get the keyword strategy from for your ads. To get the the keyword planner you have to go to the top of the page and click on tools and a drop down box will appear. Go down and click on Keyword Planner.
How does the Keyword Planner work?
Once you are in the keyword planner you will want to go down and click where it says "Search for new keyword and ad group ideas". Then you will enter your product or service, your landing page, and your product category and then click on get ideas. Then you will get a list of keywords on the side that you can use to target people with your ads. Now you will want to select keywords that are low competition so you won't be paying as much or anything at all for the keywords that you are using. Once you have all of the keywords that you want to use then go back to the campaign page you were on last and enter all of your keywords in the box provided. You want to have at least 10 to 12 good keywords to enter here. After that then go down and click on the blue box Continue to Ads.
How do you create the ad?
You will have a page pop up that says create ad. You will want the right URL destination that you want your ad to target. So enter it in the top box. Then you will come to Write your ad. Here you will want to put your headline, your URL that appears with the ad, then you have two seperate boxes to put a description in your ad.  Then go down and click on the save button. Then you will come to the Create ads and review page. Here you will review everything and make sure everything is correct. Once you have reviewed everything then you will click on either Save and Finish to get the ad up and running or you can click on Finish and pause campaign if you want to wait to start the ad. Then that is how you start advertising with Google.Google