You may need to delete a video on YouTube. Here are some instructions on how to delete a video in your creator studio. Your layout may look a little different, but the area is the same. If you want to save a backup before you delete the video, CLICK HERE for easy instructions.
Delete Video On YouTube
Deleting a video on YouTube can be a simple process, but it's important to make sure that you really want to remove the video before you take this step. Once a video has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Before you proceed with deleting a video, make sure that you have made a backup copy of it if you want to keep it.Here are the steps to delete a video on YouTube:
Step 1: Log in to your YouTube account.
You can log in to your account by clicking on the "Sign in" button located in the top right-hand corner of the YouTube homepage.Step 2: Go to your channel's Video Manager.
Once you are logged in, click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner and select "Your channel" from the dropdown menu. From here, select "Video Manager" from the left-hand menu.Step 3: Find the video you want to delete.
In the Video Manager, you will see a list of all the videos that you have uploaded to your channel. Find the video that you want to delete.Step 4: Click on the "Delete" button.
To delete the video, click on the checkbox next to the video that you want to remove and then click on the "Delete" button located above the list of videos.Step 5: Confirm that you want to delete the video.
A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the video. Click on the "Delete" button to confirm.Step 6: Wait for the video to be deleted.
It may take a few minutes for the video to be deleted from YouTube. Once the video has been deleted, you will no longer be able to find it on YouTube.Summary for Delete Video On YouTube
In summary, deleting a video on YouTube is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps. However, it is important to remember that once a video has been deleted, it cannot be recovered, so make sure that you really want to remove the video before you proceed. More instructions below.Instructions On How To Delete A YouTube Video
First, click on the circle icon that has your picture in it. You will see a drop-down appear.
Next click on "Creator Studio" to navigate to your YouTube dashboard.
Click Creator Studio
Then navigate over to your video manager to see a list of videos.
Navigate to Video Manager
You will now see a list of your YouTube videos. Scroll to the bottom if you have a lot of videos so you can page through them.
Scroll Through Videos
When you see a video you want to delete, click the box next to the video so there is a checkmark in it.
Check box next to video
Navigate to the top where it says actions and chooses Delete.
Navigate to Actions and click Delete
A window will pop up to confirm that you want to delete the video. Click the Delete button.
Click Delete in the pop-up window.
To delete multiple videos, scroll down to browse the videos.
Scroll down to find multiple videos to delete
Select several videos that you want to delete by clicking the boxes the same way you did for just one video.
Click on the boxes beside multiple videos
Once again, you will navigate to actions and choose Delete.
Go to Actions and click Delete
When the pop-up comes, it will ask you to confirm deleting of the multiple videos that you chose.
Confirm deleting of multiple videos
The videos that you deleted are no longer in your YouTube account.
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