So you want to track your conversion for ad-words? Here is how you do it for woo-commerce.
Get the Conversion Tracking Code from AdWords
Log into your AdWords account. Select "tools" then "Conversions". WooCommerce Conversion Tracking Code For AdWords Next select "+ Conversions" and add one. You can see I added one called "purchases". Conversions When you click on the name your created it will give you a conversion code. I am clicking on purchases. Conversion CodeGo To WordPress and Enter Conversion Code
Now you want to go to your WordPress dashboard and open up your functions.php in your theme. It is better if you use a child theme so your changes are never overwritten. Put your tracking code in where it tells you too below. You do not need to get the order total but I will leave it in the code below if someone wants it.add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'my_custom_tracking' ); function my_custom_tracking( $order_id ) { // Lets grab the order $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); echo ' PUT YOUR CONVERSION TRACKING SCRIPT HERE LEAVE THE QUOTES '; }