Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]

 After you have installed XAMPP then you will want to test that everything is working. In this tutorial we are going to make sure that we have everything working properly before we dive into the programming. You will also want to come back here in future tutorials to repeat these steps.


Turn everything on in the XAMPP application. Click on your XAMPP ion. XAMPP icon You will see a window appear. We will start in the open window which is the "General" options window. Click on the start button. This will get the application started. TESTING APACHE PHP MYSQL SERVER ENVIRONMENT The little red dot will turn to orange then to green when it is ready. You will also notice that the Stop, Go to Application & Open terminal are now clickable. We will be launching the terminal in these tutorials to get you use to using the terminal. This will really speed up your workflow and efficiency. XAMPP TESTING THE LOCAL SERVER ENVIRONMENT The next item we will click on is "Services". This will give us the options to start the server so that our Apache, MySql and PHP are working. Do not worry about ProFTPD at this time. That if a File Transfer Protocol that we will not be using in these tutorials because we will be working with everything locally. It is OK to have it running but we will not need the ProFTPD for these lessons. Click the "Start All" to start the services. START APACHE MYSQL AND PHP ON XAMPP When you click on the "Start All" button you will see the red icons turn to orange then to green. This indicates that the server is ready. STARTING XAMPP Enabling the network is our next step. Click on "Network" at the top of the box. We will enable localhost:8080 -> 80 (Over SSH). If you have any issues getting the webpages to display then you can enable localhost:8443 -> 443(Over SSH).  This step turns on port 80 or port 443 on our local machine. Enable Network You will see the red dots turn to green dots. Port 443 is generally associated with SSL's or secure socket layers. For testing and development purposes in our tutorials we will not need this feature. NETWORK ENABLE The next thing we will want to do is mount the application. Notice the location is /opt/lampp. Click on the "Mount" button. MOUNT APPLICATION XAMPP After clicking on the "Mount" button you will see that the "Unmount" and "Explore" buttons become clickable. Unmount simply turns off the the mount and the ability to explore the files and folders. Explore will bring up an explorer window where you can add files and folders. We will be visiting this feature later. UNMOUNT EXPLORE Finally the last options is "Log". This keeps track of your actions on the server. It can also help you debug a problem later if you run into issues. LOG XAMPP


Go to "Volumes" then click on the "Explore" button. This will open a window. Find where it says htdocs and right click on that folder. EXPLORE XAMPP MAC Click on "Get Info". Get Info A box will pop up that looks like this. You will want to scroll down to the bottom and click the lock in order to unlock the permissions. Get Info Unlock File Permissions You will get a box to enter your username and password. This will unlock the file permissions for that htdocs folder. Make sure under sharing and permissions that you have "read & write" selected for the folder. Permissions After you set everything to "Read & Write" click on the lock again to lock up your folder. Lock Folder > Lock. This will give us the option to create files and folders in the htdocs. If we left the settings the way they were we would not be able to create file or folders.

Summary on XAMPP Testing

Now go to "General" then "Go To Application" if you see the following screen after clicking on it we are ready to get started. Start Screen