Php 7 Comparison Operators compare 2 or more values . There are several different ways to perform these operations. A "Php 7 comparison operator" will check to see if the values are equal, identical, greater than or less than each other. Let's go over the different methods to use this handy tool. Files from last lesson. Files from this lesson.
Equal To (==) Php 7 Comparison Operator
The equal to (==) comparison operator is checking to see if one value is equal to another value. Consider this example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS EQUAL TO ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE (==) COMPARISON OPERATOR*/ $x = 5; $y=6; if($x==$y){ echo "<p>$x and $y are equal to each other</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x and $y are not equal to each other</p>"; } ?>The answer would be they are not equal to each other. However, consider using a string like this code example.
<?php /*STRING COMPARISON*/ $a = '5'; $b=5; if($a==$b){ echo "<p>$a and $b are equal to each other</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$a and $b are not equal to each other</p>"; } ?>Notice that one variable is an integer while the other is a string. The answer is they are still equal to each other. This will not work with the identical Php Comparison Operator.
Identical (===)
If you want to make sure that something is identical use the triple equals sign (===). Consider this example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS IDENTICAL TO ANOTHER VALUE WE USE (===) COMPARISION OPERATOR THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER*/ $a = '5'; $b=5; if($a===$b){ echo "<p>$a and $b are Identical to each other</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$a and $b are <span class=\"font-weight-bold text-uppercase\">not</span> Identical to each other</p>"; } //NOTE: SINCE ONE IS A STRING AND THE OTHER IS AN INTEGER THEY ARE NOT IDENTICAL ?>
Not Identical (!==)
When looking for something that is not identical you can use the not identical (!==). Here is a code example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS NOT IDENTICAL TO ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE (!==) COMPARISON OPERATOR*/ $x = 3; $y= '3'; if($x !== $y){ echo "<p>$x and $y are not identical to each other</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x and $y are identical to each other</p>"; } ?>
Greater Than (>)
To see if a value is greater than another value we would use the greater than (>) Comparison Operator. Consider this code example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS GREATER THAN ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE GREATER THAN (>) COMPARISON OPERATOR*/ $x = 5; $y= 4; if($x > $y){ echo "<p>$x is greater than $y</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x is less than or equal to $y</p>"; } ?>
Less Than (<)
To see if a value is less than another value we would use the less than (<) Comparison Operator. See this code example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS LESS THAN ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE LESS THAN (<) COMPARISON OPERATOR*/ $x = 3; $y= 4; if($x < $y){ echo "<p>$x is less than $y</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x is greater than or equal to $y</p>"; } ?>
Greater Than or Equal To(>=) Php 7 Comparison Operator
To see if a value is greater than or equal to another value then we would use the greater than and equal to (>=) Comparison Operator. Here is a code example./*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE GREATER THAN AND EQUALS (>=) COMPARISION OPERATORS*/ $x = 5; $y= 4; if($x >=$y){ echo "<p>$x is greater than or equal to $y</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x is less than $y</p>"; }
Less Than or Equal To(<=) Php 7 Comparison Operator
To see if a value is less than or equal to another value then we would use the less than and equal to (<=) Comparison Operator. Check out this code example.<?php /*TO CHECK IF A VALUE IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO ANOTHER VALUE THIS COULD BE ANY STRING OR INTEGER WE USE THE LESS THAN AND EQUALS (<=) COMPARISION OPERATORS*/ $x = 5; $y= 4; if($x <=$y){ echo "<p>$x is less than or equal to $y</p>"; }else{ echo "<p>$x is greater than $y</p>"; } ?>
Space Ship (<=>) Comparison Operator in Php 7
The space ship operator will do all of the above. It's called a space ship because it looks like one, (<=>). It will check to see if something is less than, equal to or greater than. Take a look at this example.<?php //0 IS EQUAL TO //-1 IS LESS THAN //1 IS GREATER THAN // Integers echo 1 <=> 1; // 0 echo 1 <=> 2; // -1 echo 2 <=> 1; // 1 // Floats echo 1.5 <=> 1.5; // 0 echo 1.5 <=> 2.5; // -1 echo 2.5 <=> 1.5; // 1 // Strings echo "a" <=> "a"; // 0 echo "a" <=> "b"; // -1 echo "b" <=> "a"; // 1 ?>