Hey everybody I want to let you know that I have undertaken the grueling task of getting the heck away from WordPress. I was so sick of the problems and updates I had to do all the time. I am now using my ezbloo system and I am integrating all my old posts into the new system. It sucks, but in the end, I will save bundles of time. I needed to keep things simple and that is why I created ezbloo. I'll have more on this later for you guys after I am done with the total integration of my old posts here. So if you are looking for a post and need it faster, shoot me an email and I will make it a priority. [email protected]


What is the difference between a post and a page on WordPress?

Easy WordPress Instructions on Posts, Pages and Widgets. A post is like a newscast or story about current events. A page describes your business and does not describe current events.

How Do I Make A Post on WordPress?

  1. First, you log into your dashboard.
  2. Look for the post column in the left and click on it.
  3. Click "Add New" make a post in wordpress
  4. Next fill out your title in the top where it says "Enter title here".
  5. Now go and fill out the bigger box below. You can use the html editor to help you format your text.how to make a post in wordpress
  6. You can also add pictures and files by clicking on the "Add Media" button. {Circled in blue above.}
  7. Some optional choices that you have are to give your articles a category or tags. Just type in whatever you think is appropriate in the boxes. categoris and tags in wordpress posts
  8. Finally when your all done all you have to do is click "Publish" .  This will make the post live on your website. Easy WordPress Instructions on Post Pages and Widgets
  9. You will notice there are 2 other buttons, "Save Draft" and "Preview". Saving a draft comes in handy if you are working on a post and get interrupted, or you want to come back and work on it later. The "Preview" button lets you preview your post before it becomes live on your website.  You can also schedule post to become live on a certain future date by clicking the "Edit" link by "Publish Immediately".
  10. After you publish your post, that blue "Publish" button will turn into a blue "Update" button. You can go back and update your post at any time.

How do I make a Page on WordPress?

The process is very similar to making a post. Only, instead of adding a new post, add a new page under the page's menu. One of the differences are you do not have to choose a category. You will notice that box is gone in most themes. The biggest difference though is that with pages you have page attributes which contain templates. Not all themes have this, so if you do not see a page attribute box, do not worry about it. Most of them do, though, and here you can choose a page layout by selecting a template. page layout tempalte in wordpress  

What are widgets on WordPress, and how do I use them?

Widgets are little bits of information that you want in your sidebars, header or footers depending on your theme layout. You can find your widgets under the "Appearance" menu and then "Widgets". widgets in wordpressEasy WordPress Instructions on Post Pages and Widgets When you open up this page you will see columns, usually 4 columns. ON the left site you will see available widgets and on the right side you can see where those widgets are placed. Easy WordPress Instructions on Post Pages and Widgets   You open up a place on the right by clicking the little black arrow button and the dragging a widget from the left to where you want it to appear. Each little box on the left is a separate widget.


This is a very basic instructional article to get you started with pages, post and widgets in the WordPress content management system. It's really easy once you get the hang of it, but there are always those little issues that may arise while you are working on your website that you need help with. If you are interested in diving deep into the features of WordPress and how to rank in the search engines with it, I recommend the book "Web Development Strategy". This will help you on your way to making great articles and a highly ranked site on the internet.