WordPress Images

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress1x1

Enable Imagemagick in PHP8 on Ubuntu 20.04 For WordPress. ImageMagick is a powerful open-source software suite that is used for creating, editing, and converting images. It is commonly used by WordPress developers and designers to enhance the visuals of their websites. If you’re running Ubuntu 20.04 and PHP8, and you want to enable ImageMagick in Read More

Failed To Insert Media WordPress Problem

Failed To Insert Media WordPress Problem

If you are seeing the error “Failed To Insert Media” in WordPress then chances are you have a permissions issue on your website. You could also experience issues with trying to install a plugin or a theme. This is an easy fix, so just follow along here. Open FTP Program To Edit File Permissions Open Read More

Create Featured Image With GIMP | WordPress | YouTube | Social Media

Create Featured Image With GIMP WordPress YouTube Social Media

Create featured image with GIMP for WordPress, YouTube or any other social media platform. The process is easy you just need to know the dimensions or ratios. I am going to share those with you here. First though, I am going to show you how to create it yourself. If you are in a hurry Read More

Adding Hover Effect On Mobile Devices

Have you ever tried to add a hover effect for mobile devices? Well the truth of the matter is that you cannot do it. Hover effects require you to have a mouse that you can use to hover over an element. This is not the case with touch screens. Some people do work around with Read More


Maximize adsense revenue in your WordPress website. If you really want to increase your earning potential then we have the plugin for you! You are not going to find this plugin in the WordPress directory. This is a custom plugin programmed for people who monetize their WordPress sites with Google Adsense. Download The MAXIMIZE ADSENSE Read More

Install WordPress Shell Access Using wget Command Ubuntu Terminal

Install WordPress Shell Access Using wget Command Ubuntu Terminal

This article will help you install WordPress with Shell access ( ssh ) using the wget command in a Linux/Ubuntu terminal. Logging Into Shell If you do not know your shell or ssh login contact your hosting provider and they can provide you with that information. If you already have that information you can proceed. Read More