Inserting The Encrypted Data

This is one way to insert encrypted data into your MySQL database.


$nameencrypted=encryptthis($firstName, $key);
$emailencrypted=encryptthis($email, $key);

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO people(`name`, `email`)
VALUES ('$nameencrypted','$emailencrypted')");

Retrieving and Decrypting Data From MySQL

Now that you have all the data encrypted and stored in MySQL you will want to retrieve it and display in human-readable format. Here is an example on how we do this.

$result = $con->query("SELECT * FROM people") ;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<p>'.decryptthis($row['name'], $key).'</p>';
echo '<p>'.decryptthis($row['email'], $key).'</p>';

Download Encryption Decryption Scripts With MySQL

Lucky for you, I’m a nice guy and am going to give you the complete scripts for free. Imagine what you would have to pay if you had to pay for such a script? Please consider a donation to my PayPal below. It helps me keep this website free. If I get more donations, I will not have to charge for my next lesson, which will show you how to search an encrypted database for information.


Only cool people share!

Image by Pete Linforth on Pixabay 

BEST PHP ENCRYPTION DECRYPTION MYSQL TUTORIAL | PROACTIVE METHODS was last modified: March 16th, 2023 by Maximus Mccullough
Article Name
Encryption, Decryption and MySQL in PHP tutorial with codes and video included

Pages:Previous 1 2


  • Jess Larsen says:

    I get the following error when trying to decrypt: Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is 17 bytes long which is longer than the 16 expected by selected cipher, truncating in /home/skyttesystem/ on line 24

    The code is as following:

    function decryptthis($data, $key) {
    $encryption_key = base64_decode($key);
    list($encrypted_data, $iv) = array_pad(explode(‘::’, base64_decode($data), 2),2,null);
    XXXX return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, ‘aes-256-cbc’, $encryption_key, 0, $iv); XXXX

    The line with XXXX is line 24.

    Hope you can see what I am doing wrong.

    • This should be your decrypt function.

      function decryptthis($data, $key) {
      $encryption_key = base64_decode($key);
      list($encrypted_data, $iv) = array_pad(explode('::', base64_decode($data), 2),2,null);
      return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, 'aes-256-cbc', $encryption_key, 0, $iv);

      Also are you calling your key in properly?

  • ZTech MOV says:

    Have you had any troubles with decrypting dates? I had a date field that I encrypted and when trying to decrypt it just returns today’s date/day the I inserted the data. It works fine for DateTime fields.

    foreach($stmt as $row){
    $e = date_create(decryptthis($row[‘*******’],$key));
    echo date_format($e, “Y-m-d”) . ”;
    echo “”;



    • Sorry for the delay. Interesting find that you have but I have not tested it yet. If that is inside a function, you will have to use the Global variable like global $key; in order for it to work. I will test this out when I get some time. 🙂

  • Panos says:

    Hello sir, i really liked your videos and they seem very helpful. I also subscribed to your YouTube channel plus i followed you on Instagram ! But i have a problem here. I have a simple project and i cannot figure out how to add this functionality to my project. Could you please add it for me if i send you the code ? It’s something very easy and very small ! Thank you very much for your time reading my email.

  • HARRY says:

    Hi Maximus – thanks for the tutorial its working great, however can you explain how to Select all records from a database where the email is equal to an encrypted value.
    instead of
    $result = $con->query(“SELECT * FROM people”) ;
    I would like to SELECT * FROM people WHERE email = $emailencrypted

  • David says:

    Hi Maximus.

    Thanks for making great tutorials and free scripts!

    I’ve copy-pasted your encryption and decryption scripts and provided my own key, which I get from an included PHP-file. At first it works perfectly, but after a while, when I encrypt some new data, it somehow gets currupted: All other encrypted entries are 56 characters long, but the new one are 60 characters long. Then the decrypt script can’t decrypt the data.
    The key hasn’t changed, the script hasn’t changed, the connection to MySQL hasn’t changed, so… Do you know what is going on?

    • Did you try just putting the key directly back into the script? I’ve been having funny things going on today in my programming. I could not even get an image to show up for the longest time. What happened I think is I copy and pasted my code from the website. It brought in invisible characters. However, I brought up notepad and copy and pasted into that then copied it again and pasted into my notepad plus plus then woo hoo there was an image! lol Funny things do happen. Do you have the script online or are you working locally? Let me know or just shoot it to me in an email. and I can try it out here. 🙂

  • David says:

    Thanks for the fast reply!
    Yeah, I tried putting it in directly into the script.
    I’m still working locally. If I mail it to you, how much du you need? Just the key and the script? Or should I just post it here, and create a new key when we find a sollution? 😀

  • sam says:

    please sir decryption doesn’t work on textarea. it works with input fields well. i want to know why?

  • Stanley says:

    Am having syntax error. Unexpected end of file

  • Kelbin says:

    Hi, I’m finding the way to encrypt and decrypt the exist database on WordPress. I don’t know how to edit this sample script in specific way to work with WordPress, and where i can add the script ?
    Can you help me ?

    • Hi Kelbin, The way WordPress is configured may be a little bit of a problem. This script is specifically for developers that develop their own Content Management System, CRM’s and more. I am afraid that if you try to do this on WordPress you will have issues in the future with their updates. Let me know if you have any more questions. I would be glad to help.

  • Ieiazel Nadores says:

    how do I decrypt my data in the table that I created in my website?

  • Peter Garda says:


    I am implementing your solution in one of my projects. Must say that your solution is very easy to use for people like me who are not developers.
    I can insert into the database encrypted and retrieve from the database and decrypt rows. My problem is when I try to use the “where” clause. Then I think I should be able to retrieve a row, but it seems the decryption doesn’t work right there.
    This is what my code looks like:
    function login($user = ‘x’, $pass = ‘x’){
    global $con;
    global $key;
    $sql = “SELECT id, user, pass FROM users WHERE user = ‘”.encryptthis($user, $key).”‘ and pass = ‘”.encryptthis($pass, $key).”‘ LIMIT 1″;
    Gives me 0 rows

    function login($user = ‘x’, $pass = ‘x’){
    global $con;
    global $key;

    $sql = “SELECT id, user, pass FROM users “;

    $result = $con->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    if(decryptthis($row[“user”], $key) === $user && decryptthis($row[“pass”], $key) === $pass){
    echo “OK!!!!!!!!!!!”;
    echo “NOT ____________________”;
    }else {
    echo “0 results”;
    Works, but not practical.
    So the question is why can’t I search for an encrypted row?

  • RWH says:

    I don’t see how this can work. You are calling base64_decode() on a key that has never been put thru base64_encode().

    Try running that $key value thru an online base64_decode and you will get “Invalid characters”.

    • These are two PHP functions for encrypting and decrypting data using AES-256-CBC algorithm with a randomly generated initialization vector (IV).

      The encryptthis() function takes two arguments: the data to be encrypted ($data) and the encryption key ($key). It first decodes the base64-encoded key and then generates a random IV using the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function. The openssl_encrypt() function is then used to encrypt the data using AES-256-CBC algorithm with the key and IV, and returns the encrypted data encoded in base64 format along with the IV separated by a double colon (::).

      The decryptthis() function takes two arguments: the encrypted data ($data) and the encryption key ($key). It first decodes the base64-encoded key and then splits the encrypted data and IV using the explode() function. The openssl_decrypt() function is then used to decrypt the encrypted data using AES-256-CBC algorithm with the key and IV, and returns the original plaintext.

      It is important to note that encryption alone does not ensure complete security, as the key needs to be stored and transmitted securely to prevent unauthorized access to the encrypted data. It is also recommended to use strong and unique keys, to further enhance security. But yes, It works, I use it everyday! 😉

  • RWH says:

    Your reply did not address the issue I raised except to confirm it. You wrote “It first decodes the base64-encoded key”, yet my point was you *never* base64_encoded the key in your example, so as is, this can’t work.

    $key = ‘qkwjdiw239&&jdafweihbrhnan&^%$ggdnawhd4njshjwuuO’;
    This is *not* a base64_encoded key, as special characters are not part of the base64 encoding set.

    Then you do this without ever running base64_encode:
    $nameencrypted=encryptthis($firstName, $key);

    • I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct that the encryption key in the code you provided is not base64-encoded.

      In order for the code to work, the key would need to be base64-encoded before passing it to the encryptthis() function. So, if you want to use the key as it is in the code you provided, you would need to remove the base64_decode() function calls in both the encryptthis() and decryptthis() functions, and make sure to base64-encode the key before passing it to the encryptthis() function, like this:

      $key = 'qkwjdiw239&&jdafweihbrhnan&^%$ggdnawhd4njshjwuuO';
      $base64_encoded_key = base64_encode($key);
      $nameencrypted = encryptthis($firstName, $base64_encoded_key);

      Then, in the decryptthis() function, you would need to base64-decode the key before using it to decrypt the data:

      function decryptthis($data, $key) {
      $encryption_key = base64_decode($key);
      list($encrypted_data, $iv) = array_pad(explode('::', base64_decode($data), 2),2,null);
      return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, 'aes-256-cbc', $encryption_key, 0, $iv);

      $base64_encoded_key = base64_encode('qkwjdiw239&&jdafweihbrhnan&^%$ggdnawhd4njshjwuuO');
      $namedecrypted = decryptthis($nameencrypted, $base64_encoded_key);

      I hope this helps clarify the issue.

  • RWH says:

    Well thanks for replying. I think you misunderstand however. This was not code I had provided. This is YOUR code, from this web page. I was trying to help you out by letting you know there is a mistake in your code and you are going to mislead a lot of people with this post. Please base64_encode your key before running encryptthis.

  • Taiwo says:

    Weldone……thanks for the tutorial.
    Please how can I encrypt an integer into the database in php

    • Well, I don’t think that you want to do that however if you wanted to, you would not use integer, you would just use text or varchar and then encrypt the number. The database structure for int only accepts numbers so there would be no way you can encrypt that using the integer.

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