Ajax In WordPress Tutorial | Ultimate Beginners Guide

The Ajax Script For Plugin

Create a .js file and call it “ytajax.js” and place it in your “ajaxyoutubesubscribe” folder. Put in the following code. This makes the Ajax call and returns the response so that your website does not reload. jQuery starts with the document ready function to make sure your webpage is loaded then it waits for someone to “Click” on your button. If they do, then it begins calling in your YouTube subscribe button. This script does not get loaded until someone clicks on your button thereby increasing your speed and scores on your website. Not to mention, giving you a really cool feature for your website visitors.

jQuery(document).ready( function() {
   jQuery(".ytbe_ajaxs").click( function(e) {
      post_id = jQuery(this).attr("data-post_id");
      nonce = jQuery(this).attr("data-nonce");
         type : "post",
         dataType : "json",
         url : myAjax.ajaxurl,
         data : {action: "ytsub_ajax_call", nonce: nonce},
         success: function(response) {
            if(response.type == "success") {
            else {
               alert("Could not get form.");

More WordPress Ajax Tutorials

While creating this tutorial, I found some other cool developers working on WordPress Ajax in different ways. There are 2 that stood out to me. Alex Young has implemented some great ways to use the WordPress Ajax with Rewrite and REST Api’s. Share Web Design was another where he uses Ajax to call in a script on the front end.

Ajax In WordPress Tutorial | Ultimate Beginners Guide was last modified: November 8th, 2021 by Maximus Mccullough
Ajax In WordPress Tutorial | Ultimate Beginners Guide
Article Name
Ajax In WordPress Tutorial | Ultimate Beginners Guide
This is an Ajax in WordPress tutorial. Let it serve as an ultimate beginner’s guide for you. I have already made several posts on Ajax and how to use it. However, this is my first post for using Ajax in WordPress. I think you will enjoy this lesson with all the codes and video
Ajax In WordPress Tutorial Ultimate Beginners Guide

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